If you are thinking about growing plants from seed, check out the catalogues and order your seeds, so you have all you need ahead of sowing time.

Continue to clear weeds and debris from plant borders and spread last years compost over plant borders to protect and feed plants.

Plant bare root fruit trees and bushes, trees and shrubs.

Protect vulnerable plants with an extra mulch over plant crowns and roots, and in bitter weather wrap plants in agricultural fleece.  We are bound to get some more frost, ice and even snow before the end of winter.

Check any stored bulbs, corns and tubers ie Dahlia, Cannas etc and remove any rotting ones.

Winter is a good time to assess the ‘bones’ of the garden, your structural and evergreen plants.  Do you need to renew or add more?

Is there still lots of ‘interest’ in the garden in the form of colour, berries and flowers?  You can easily have ‘interest’ in your garden throughout the year.  I find it really lifts the spirits on the dull, grey, miserable days of winter.  Have a look at Hamamelis, Viburnums, Cornus, Helleborus, winter bulbs to name a few.