Winter Planting to add Structure, Colour and Cheer…

Winter Planting to add Structure, Colour and Cheer…

January is not my favourite month and some years it seems longer than 31 days.  But as the month pushes forward it is cheering to see the day light lasting a little longer each day.  In my own front garden I am determined to add to the cheer by planting colourful,...
Spring Bling…

Spring Bling…

Inspired by my visit in Spring ’16 to Keukenhof Park just outside Amsterdam and seeing 7 million bulbs in bloom, last October we planted 1000 bulbs in a plant bed in our front garden under some deciduous shrubs.  The bulbs we planted were a special mix called...
The Design Balance?

The Design Balance?

Designing front gardens and driveways is often challenging.  Never mind the practicalities of a car parking space or manoeuvring space for the car or cars (it often takes more space then you think) and access routes from A to B and Sustainable Urban Drainage issues...

Festive Winter Containers

Christmas is here, and people are busy decorating their christmas trees and decking their halls, but don’t forget your garden.  A festive styled plant container in a position near a door or viewed from a window really cheers up a garden. At plant nurseries and...

Gardens to visit….

People ask me, “Do you enjoy visiting gardens when you are on holiday?” The answer is definitely “yes”.  I can enjoy them as a visitor without the worry of designing them, or worrying how the planting is doing and in this hot weather, are the...

Time to visit the Bluebells…

Time to get out and about and visit some bluebell woods – it really is just magical.  To find a bluebell wood near you go to The Woodland Trust website at and type in your postcode.  Remember bluebells are a...